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They say the city lights shine bright in Chicago and boy do they!

Well the boss is on the move again and guess who gets to tag along! Yes sir-y Bob! She's taking me on a cross country trip to play with new planner peeps! We're attending Chicago Planner Conference and she couldn't be more excited! It's wonderful to see the planner community coming together again after such a long time planning solo. But I thought I was an early riser. Oh heck no. The boss got us up and out of the tree at 230am for a 5am flight and man-o-man was that hard but we survived and the weather here is just beautiful!

We're all checked in and ready to go for tomorrows fun but first it's time to explore and you bet we're gonna try the grub. I personally, have had just about enough of last falls acorns and I'm looking forward to some of Chicago's finest.


Chicago is wonderful but a bit overwhelming for a tiny squirrel. The buildings are amazingly tall. But the architecture is beautiful! The crosswalks and intersections were a bit challenging but our tour guide told us the blinking red hand was really just a suggestion so if the crowd was crossing so were we. I'm so glad we did because the nom-noms we came across for our late lunch were absolutely scrumptious! Who knew butter crust was a thing?? Not this squirrel! If you ever find yourself in Chicago I recommend passing on the acorns and grabbing some deep dish. O...M...Squirrel it was amazing!

I promise these weren't all mine even though I could have eaten them all. However I may or may not be munching on the leftovers as I type. The boss wont mind the butter on the keys. We'll just keep that between us.

So it's off to bed early for this squirrel because we have a VERY long day of planner fun tomorrow. I'll be dreaming of colorful pens, fun stickers and possibly a Chicago dog...

Sweet dreams and see you tomorrow!


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